Accelerated C++ Solution to Exercise 5-0 (Part 3 / 3)

This is Part 3 of the 3-part  Solution to Exercise 5-0.

Exercise 5-0 (Part 3 / 3)

This is a fairly clever yet simple-to-understand program. This exercise demonstrates 4 things: (1) how to create a paragraph and store in the form of a vector<string> container, (2) how to display the paragraph with and without a frame, (3) how to concatenate two paragraph “pictures” vertically, (4) how to concatenate two paragraph “pictures” horizontally.

The Program Logic

  1. User to create a paragraph by providing multiple lines of input, via the console window.
  2. The program store the paragraph in the form of a vector<string> container called p – each string element corresponds the an input line. e.g. p[0] is the first line, p[1] is the second line, etc.
  3. A function called vcout may be used to display a vector<string> container in the form of a paragraph via the console window.
  4. A function called frame may be used to take in a vector<string> container and return a new vector<string> container representing a “framed” paragraph.
  5. A function called vcat may be used to concatenate multiple paragraph “box-like pictures” vertically. e.g. imagine two box-like paragraph pictures are stacked vertically.
  6. A function called hcat may be used to concatenate multiple paragraph “box-like pictures” horizontally. e.g. imagine two box-like paragraph pictures are aligned horizontally.
  7. An sub-function called width (used by the frame and hcat functions) is in place to ensure the paragraphs behave in a “box-like” shape when we add a frame around it, or concatenate horizontally.
  8. Within the main program, we apply the functions vcout, frame, vcat, and hcat in multiple combinations to demonstrate it is very easy to display the vector<string> p in the form of “box-like pictures” and in multiple ways. e.g. apply a frame around a paragraph, stack the two box-like picture paragraphs vertically / horizontally.

The Project

This is what the management tree looks like in Code::Block:


C++ Source Files

  • main.cpp – this is the first program that is run during the implementation phase.
  • frame.cpp – contains the frame and width functions.
  • hcat.cpp – contains the hcat function.
  • vcat.cpp – contains the vcat function.
  • vcout.cpp – contains the vcout function.

C++ Header Files

  • frame.h – declare the functions in frame.cpp.
  • hcat.h – declare the functions in hcat.cpp.
  • vcat.h – declare the functions in vcat.cpp.
  • vcout.h – declare the functions in vcout.cpp.

Source Files


#include <iostream>  // cin, cout, endl, getline
#include <vector>    // vector
#include <string>    // string
#include "frame.h"   // width, frame
#include "vcat.h"    // vcat
#include "hcat.h"    // hcat
#include "vcout.h"   // vcout

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::getline;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

int main()
    string s;            // line
    vector<string> p;    // paragraph

    // read multiple lines to make a paragraph
    while (getline(cin, s))

    // have a play, manipulate and display paragraph (p) in multiple ways

    cout << "----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: p                                          \n"

    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: frame(p)                                    \n"

    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: vcat(p, frame(p))                           \n"

    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: vcat(frame(p), p)                           \n"

    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: hcat(p, frame(p))                           \n"


    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: hcat(frame(p), p)                           \n"

    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
            "Display: vcat(hcat(frame(p), p), hcat(p, frame(p)))  \n"
    vcout(vcat(hcat(frame(p), p), hcat(p, frame(p))));

    return 0;


#include <string>      // string
#include <vector>      // vector
#include <algorithm>   // max

using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::max;

string::size_type width(const vector<string>& v)
    string::size_type maxlen = 0;
    for(vector<string>::size_type i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i)
        maxlen = max(maxlen, v[i].size());
    return maxlen;

vector<string> frame(const vector<string>& v)
    vector<string> ret;
    string::size_type maxlen = width(v);
    string border(maxlen + 4, '*');

    // write the top border

    // write each interior row, bordered by an asterisk and a space
    for (vector<string>::size_type i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i)
        ret.push_back("* " + v[i] + string(maxlen - v[i].size(), ' ') + " *");

    // write the bottom border

    return ret;


#include <string>      // string
#include <vector>      // vector
#include "frame.h"     // width

using std::string;
using std::vector;

vector<string> hcat(const vector<string>& left, const vector<string>& right)
    vector<string> ret;

    // add 1 to leave a space between pictures
    string::size_type width1 = width(left) + 1;

    // indices to look at elements from left and right respectively
    vector<string>::size_type i = 0, j = 0;

    // continue until we've seen all rows from both pictures
    while (i != left.size() || j != right.size())
        // construct new string to hold characters from both pictures
        string s;

        // copy a row from the left-hand side, if there is one
        if (i != left.size())
            s = left[i++];

        // pad to full width
        s += string(width1 - s.size(), ' ');

        // copy a row from teh right-hand side, if there is one
        if (j != right.size())
            s += right[j++];

        // add s to the picture we are creating

    return ret;


#include <string>      // string
#include <vector>      // vector

using std::string;
using std::vector;

vector<string> vcat(const vector<string>& top, const vector<string>& bottom)
    // copy the top picture
    vector<string> ret = top;

    // copy entire bottom picture (option 1 and option 2 have the same effect - pick whichever!)

    // option 1
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = bottom.begin();
         it != bottom.end(); ++it)

    // option 2
    ret.insert(ret.end(), bottom.begin(), bottom.end());

    return ret;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>    // string
#include <vector>    // vector

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

int vcout(const vector<string>& v)
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator iter = v.begin();
         iter != v.end(); ++iter)
        cout << (*iter) << endl;
    return 0;

Header Files



#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::string::size_type width(const std::vector<std::string>&);
std::vector<std::string> frame(const std::vector<std::string>&);

#endif // GUARD_FRAME_H


#ifndef GUARD_HCAT_H
#define GUARD_HCAT_H

#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::vector<std::string> hcat(const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::vector<std::string>&);

#endif // GUARD_HCAT_H


#ifndef GUARD_VCAT_H
#define GUARD_VCAT_H

#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::vector<std::string> vcat(const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::vector<std::string>&);

#endif // GUARD_VCAT_H



#include <string>
#include <vector>

int vcout(const std::vector<std::string>&);

#endif // GUARD_VCOUT_H

Test Program

I have written the main program in a way that is easy enough to test out multiple combination of function usage (i.e. frame, vcat, and hcat) against the vector<string> p (the paragraph).

In this test, as soon as the program starts up, I provide the following 5 lines (followed by the end-of-file button. i.e. F6 for Windows).

  1. this is an
  2. example
  3. to
  4. illustrate
  5. framing

Test Result

this is an
Display: p
this is an
Display: frame(p)
* this is an *
* example    *
* to         *
* illustrate *
* framing    *
Display: vcat(p, frame(p))
this is an
* this is an *
* example    *
* to         *
* illustrate *
* framing    *
Display: vcat(frame(p), p)
* this is an *
* example    *
* to         *
* illustrate *
* framing    *
this is an
Display: hcat(p, frame(p))
this is an **************
example    * this is an *
to         * example    *
illustrate * to         *
framing    * illustrate *
           * framing    *
Display: hcat(frame(p), p)
************** this is an
* this is an * example
* example    * to
* to         * illustrate
* illustrate * framing
* framing    *
Display: vcat(hcat(frame(p), p), hcat(p, frame(p)))
************** this is an
* this is an * example
* example    * to
* to         * illustrate
* illustrate * framing
* framing    *
this is an **************
example    * this is an *
to         * example    *
illustrate * to         *
framing    * illustrate *
           * framing    *

This is overall a very nice program that demonstrates the ease of manipulating a vector as long as the functions are well written and in place.


Koenig, Andrew & Moo, Barbara E., Accelerated C++, Addison-Wesley, 2000