Exercise 4-1
We noted in S4.2.3/65 that it is essential that the argument types in a call to max match exactly. Will the following code work? If there is a problem, how would you fix it?
int maxlen; Student_info s; max(s.name.size(), maxlen);
If we refer back to the program in S4.2.3/65, s.name.size() is of type std::string::size_type. If we call the std::max function with argument 1 (s.name.size()) that is of std::string::size_type, and argument 2 (maxlen) that is of type int, we are essentially comparing variables of different types. We are “comparing apple with orange”! The program will bump into compilation failure and complain.
To amend this, just simply make maxlen the same type as s.name.size(). We assume at the top of the program we already have all the required using std::xxx declarations.
string::size_type maxlen; Student_info s; max(s.name.size(), maxlen);
Now, both arguments 1 and 2 that we supply to the max function are of the same type string::size_type. i.e. We are now “comparing apple with apple”. The program should now compile.
Proof of Concept
Seeing is believing. I now provide the tangible evidence of why the above debate is so. To do this, I create a very simple program that simulates that “invalid” code in question, then compile it, then see compilation error, then go and fix it, then re-compile it, and demonstrate no compilation error after fixing.
Before the Fix
For instance, I explicitly specify the Student_info object type here.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> struct Student_info { std::string name; }; int main() { int maxlen; // this causes error Student_info s; std::max(s.name.size(), maxlen); return 0; }
Submitting this program in an IDE (e.g. Code::Block) for compilation return the following errors:
error: no matching function for call to ‘max(std::basic_string<char>::size_type, int&)’
The compiler detects that we are comparing two different types and complain accordingly.
After the Fix
We can correct this easily by changing the int maxlen to std::string::size_type maxlen. i.e. corrected program as following:
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> struct Student_info { std::string name; }; int main() { std::string::size_type maxlen; // this works Student_info s; std::max(s.name.size(), maxlen); return 0; }
Submitting this corrected program the IDE now compiles smoothly.
Going through the book and appreciate the work you put into writing these solutions!